Whether you are a beginner or an elderly person, kickstart your day by practicing easy yoga poses. They can help you to be more flexible, and healthy in general.
When it comes to yoga, you can sit, stand, twist or balance your body on one leg. You can pick different poses or asanas every day. This way your fitness routine can never get boring or monotonous. What’s more? These poses also offer health benefits like better flexibility, balance, digestion, and posture. But don’t try challenging asanas, especially if you are a beginner who isn’t even flexible. You can start your mornings by performing some easy yoga poses, which come with their own set of health benefits.

Easy yoga poses to do every day
You can start your mornings on a healthy note by performing easy yoga poses each day:
1. Tadasana or Mountain Pose
- To perform tadasana, place your hands by your sides, with your feet hip-width apart, and your palms facing inward.
- Lengthen your spine, raise yourself through your crown, and firmly plant your feet.
2. Utkatasana or Chair Pose
- Stand with your feet together to do utkatasana.
- Bend your knees, and slowly lower your hips like you are sitting in a chair.
- Raise your arms till they reach your ear level.
3. Trikonasana or Triangle Pose
- Place your feet hip-width apart to do trikonasana.
- Make sure your hips and feet are in line with your shoulders and chest.
- Put your lower hand on the ground.
- Raise your chest away from your front thigh and roll your shoulders back.
- Slowly and gently bend your body to the right.
4. Veerabhadrasana or warrior pose
- Stand straight with your feet wide apart.
- Turn your right foot out and bend your right knee, keeping it over your ankle.
- Extend your arms above your head.
5. Ardha chakrasana or half wheel pose
- Stand straight, place your hands on your waist, supporting it with your fingers pointing front.
- Using your waist as support, try bending back as far as you can.
- Hold yourself upright, and maintain balance.
6. Chakravakasana or cat-cow pose
- Place your hands shoulder-width apart to do the Cat-Cow Pose.
- Your knees should be kept below your hips.
- Curve your lower back and take your head up.
- Bring your abdomen in while arching your spine. Move your head and pelvis down.
7. Baddha konasana or butterfly pose
- To do this seated yoga asana, sit on a yoga mat, bend your knees and bring your feet, and soles together.
- Hold your hands on toes or feet while maintaining a straight back.
- Bring your feet up to your groin and push your knees towards the mat.
8. Mandukasana or frog pose
- To do this asana, sit in Vajrasana (diamond pose).
- Make a fist of both your hands, and place it on either side of your belly.
- Bend forward, stay like that for 10 seconds then come up.
9. Ustrasana or camel pose
- Start in Vajrasana.
- Come up in a kneel down position with your toes inwards.
- Slowly raise your hands up to touch your heels. Bring your hips forward and lean your upper body in backward direction.
- Bend your head and spine then slowly release your hands from your heels.
10. Bhujangasana or cobra pose
- Lie down on your stomach to perform Bhujangasana.
- Keep your hands folded at the elbow next to your chest.
- Slowly raise your torso upwards, and come down.

11. Adho Mukha Svanasana or downward dog pose
- Sit in Vajrasana, and keep your hands in front of you.
- Raise your buttocks, and push your head down until your heels touch the ground.
- Don’t shift the position of your hands and feet.
12. Setu Bandhasana or bridge pose
- To do Setu Bandhasana lie down on your back, fold your knees facing upwards.
- Slowly lift your buttocks, back, and chest upwards.
13. Pavanamuktasana or wind-relieving pose
- Lie down flat. Take your left knee to your chest.
- Lift your chest, and head off the floor.
- Bring your chin to the knee.
- Repeat with your right knee.
Benefits of each of these easy yoga poses
You should do easy yoga poses every single day, as they offer several health benefits:
- Tadasana: It is the fundamental standing yoga pose that can improve posture, and stability. Tadasana may also reduce pain related to Ankylosing spondylitis, which leads to restricted spinal mobility, as per research published in Annals Of Neurosciences in 2021.
- Utkatasana: “It is a pose that works the entire body,” says fitness coach Dr Mickey Mehta. It can strengthen your legs, core, and improve posture, and balance.
- Trikonasana: It can increase flexibility in your spine, hips, and legs. It elongates the leg muscles, and removes stiffness, especially in the legs and hips, as per research published in the International Journal Of Yoga in 2018.
- Veerbhadrasana: It can improve stability by strengthening your legs and activating your core. “The muscles in your legs and feet get activated when you firmly plant your feet on the mat,” says the expert.
- Ardha Chakrasana: It can strengthen your back, shoulders, and arms, and also improve posture.
- Chakravakasana: Your neck, shoulders, and spine can become more flexible in the cat-cow stance. “It extends the muscles in the chest, belly, back, and hips, making your spine stronger,” says Dr Mehta.
- Baddha Konasana: It promotes flexibility in the lower back, and inner thigh.
- Mandukasana: It can strengthen the core muscles, shoulders, and abdominal muscles. “This pose can stimulate the digestive organs, and can help with constipation, gas, and indigestion,” says Dr Mehta.
- Ustrasana: It can stretch your back, hips, ankles, and thighs. “This pose can also expand your chest area, and improve lung capacity,” says the expert.
- Bhujangasana: If you are trying to make your abdomen more toned then do the Cobra Pose. It can help to tone the abdomen and strengthen the spine, according to a study published by ResearchGate in 2023.
- Adho Mukha Svanasana: It can strengthen your upper body, and improve focus.
- Setu Bandhasana: “It releases tension in your legs, hips, and lower back,” says Dr Mehta.
- Pavanamuktasana: “It can help to get rid of gas and bloating, and enhance digestion,” says the expert.
Can everyone do these easy yoga poses?
Easy yoga poses can be performed by most people, but some people should not do them.
- Pregnant women should not do some yoga poses such as bhujangasana, as it puts pressure on the abdomen.
- People with injuries or fractures should skip yoga classes till the time they get healed.
- Individuals with health conditions like sciatica should consult their doctor first, as even these easy yoga poses may worsen the pain.
Right from Bhujangasana to Tadasana, there are many easy yoga poses that can be performed every morning. Although these are easy yoga poses, you should check with your doctor if you have any health conditions.
Related FAQs
Is it okay to do yoga every day?
Yes, most people can do yoga every day. It is important to alternate the intensity and poses to prevent overexertion while practicing yoga on a daily basis.
What is the easiest pose in yoga?
Tadasana is one of the easiest yoga poses that can be done by beginners, children or elderly people. It is the basic foundation of all standing poses in yoga.
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