
Weight bench exercises: Benefits and how to do

Make sure to incorporate the weight bench in your fitness routine. You can perform weight bench exercises using a barbell or dumbbells to get benefits, including increased muscle mass.

Strength training is all about boosting muscle size and strength. You can use a weight bench to help you get a better strength training workout. No wonder many fitness enthusiasts use this equipment while doing exercises involving dumbbells and barbell. In fact, those moves are called weight bench exercises, as the equipment is a star during the workouts. In addition to an increase in muscle mass, these exercises can also help to improve flexibility and lose weight. So, gear up to perform these moves to reap the benefits.

What are weight bench exercises?

Weight bench exercises are specifically performed by using a tool called training benches. “They come in a variety of styles and designs, including fixed in a folded position, horizontal or inclined, or multiple adjustable bench parts,” shares fitness expert Aman Puri. This technique is usually used to perform weight and strength training. People also use barbells or dumbbells along with the bench. “Weight bench exercises provide versatility because people can adjust the benches at different degrees to conduct a diverse range of movements,” says the expert.

Weight bench exercise
Wright bench is an important strength training equipment. Image courtesy: Adobe Stock

10 weight bench exercises

Here are some of the weight bench exercises you can perform:

1. Dumbbell bench press

  • To perform this exercise, lie on the inclined bench while holding a dumbbell in both hands.
  • Keep your shoulder width slightly wider.
  • Move the dumbbells to the chest.
  • Press them back to straighten your arms.

2. Step-ups with dumbbells

  • For this exercise, place one foot on the bench while grabbing a dumbbell in both hands.
  • Then, start stepping up in the position with the help of the driving foot heel, which is placed on the bench.

3. Barbell bench press exercise

  • Lie on an inclined bench, holding a barbell with the help of both hands and keeping shoulders a little wider than shoulder width.
  • Lower the barbell towards your chest and press it back up in the position.

4. Incline bench press

  • This exercise can be performed using both barbells or dumbbells by setting the bench at a 30-45-degree angle. This position helps emphasise the shoulder and upper chest area.
  • Hold dumbbells or a barbell with the help of your hands.
  • Lower them towards your chest before pressing them back to a straight position.

5. Overhead dumbbell press

  • Sit on the bench with your back straight.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand at your shoulders.
  • Raise the dumbbells overhead in a controlled manner.
  • Bring down the weight near your shoulders.

6. Dumbbell fly

  • For conducting this exercise, lie on a flat bench with dumbbells in both hands.
  • Make a little bend in both your elbows.
  • Carefully lower the dumbbells in a slow motion to your body.
  • Bring them back in the upward direction by straightening your elbow bend together to work on your shoulder and chest area.

7. Bench triceps dips

  • Place both your hands on the edge of the plain bench to do bench triceps dips.
  • Lower your body towards the ground bending your elbows carefully to support movement.
  • After that push your back in an upward direction.

8. Decline bench press

  • This exercise can be performed with the help of a dumbbell or barbell. First, lock both the feet at the end of the bench.
  • Lie down while keeping your head under the barbell.
  • After that carefully hold the barbell and keep your arms a little wider than shoulder-width apart.
  • Then start lowering the barbell towards your chest until it touches.
  • Push the barbell back to the initial position by straightening your elbow to work on triceps, shoulder and chest muscles.

9. Close-grip bench press

  • To do one of the popular weight bench exercises, lie down on the straight bench while holding the barbell.
  • Keep your grip width narrower than shoulder width.
  • Press the barbell towards your chest but try not to touch your chest area by bending your elbow gradually.
  • After that, push the barbell back in an upward direction to complete the exercise.

10. Skull crushers

  • To perform one of the popular weight bench exercises, lie down on a flat bench.
  • Hold a dumbbell carefully.
  • Bend your elbow and bring the dumbbell just past your head.
  • Lower the weight slightly towards the ground, here fold for a second, after that straighten your elbow by keeping the dumbbell back at the starting point.

What are the benefits of weight bench exercises?

Here are some of the benefits of weight bench exercises:

1. Improve flexibility

“Weight bench exercises assist a variety of movements with the support of a bench for skeletal muscle function,” says Puri. You can adjust the bench angle at different degrees to assist movement and avoid the risk of injuries. In fact, strength training, in which workout bench is often used, can increase flexibility, according to research published in the International Journal Of Exercise Science in 2017.

2. Enhance muscle mass

“Performing a diverse range of weight bench exercises in a proper manner helps build muscles and provides strength to the muscles,” says the expert. A 2020 study, published in the Journal Of Sports Science & Medicine, showed the barbell bench press and the dumbbell fly can help gain strength and muscular hypertrophy in the upper-body.

Bench press exercises
Weight bench exercises can help lose weight. Image courtesy: Shutterstock

3. Help manage weight

The weight bench exercises help boost metabolism. “They enhance the utilisation of stored fat as energy when combined with a low-calorie diet,” says the expert. During a 2021 analysis, published in Obesity Reviews, favourable effects of strength training, which often uses a weight bench, were seen on weight loss and body composition changes in obese or overweight adults.

Who should not do weight bench exercises?

Weight bench exercises should not be done by everyone. Here are some people who should avoid them:

  • People who already have physical injuries should avoid practising weight bench exercises to avoid the risk of mishaps. “An injured part may get affected by weights, and an inappropriate position causes more physical problems,” says the expert.
  • Pregnant women should avoid doing these weight bench exercises as they may lead to miscarriage if done with heavy weights or in the wrong manner.
  • Older people should exclude heavy weights or can do this exercise with light weights because the body’s muscular strength and flexibility may not support carrying heavy weights. “They can lead to an injury, which will also take more time to recover at this stage,” says the expert.

Weight bench exercises can lead to an increase in muscle mass and strength. However, follow the steps properly and do them with the help of an expert, especially if you are a beginner.

Related FAQs

Will a weight bench exercise build muscle?

Absolutely yes, weight bench exercises can help build muscles. Exercises like dumbbell fly, step-ups with dumbbells, close-grip bench press, and dumbbell bench press require a diverse range of muscle movements and enhance processes like muscle hypertrophy.

Is it safe to do weight bench exercises every day?

There is no doubt there are several benefits of performing weight bench exercises but doing them daily may not give desirable results due to the lack of recovery time which is required by muscles. Hence, you can perform it 2-3 times a week for effective results under a fitness trainer’s supervision.

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